Wednesday, 25 March 2015

I left my hotel this morning and got on the train at about 5.35am to go to Agra. There was a woman with children in my seat, so to save disturbance, I sat somewhere else. Then someone had reserved the seat I was on. The carriage filled up completely. Anyway, big discussion and comparison of tickets, turns out I'd got the day wrong, my journey is tomorrow! Sod it! Stuck in Delhi at 6.15am! So now I am in a really grim backstreet hotel in a labyrinth of small streets which feel really dodgy for one night,but Hey Ho! 

Top Tip, know what day of the week it is and read train tickets! In Project Management terms that would be 'Read and understand the contract, stupid'!

Still, it will give me a day to chill out and read the guidebook on India! :-)
The view from the hotel


  1. Didn't you have room in your ruck sack for your project management skills? I knew you should have got a smaller mosquito net. ;)
    At least you've had a trial run for tomorrow morning!
